What we offer:

Living Violence Free offers various programmes and education designed to assist women, children and men make sense of their experiences.
These are provided by trained women and men with an extensive knowledge and understanding of family violence issues.

The agency has approval of the Ministry of Justice, Oranga Tamariki and the Department of Corrections.


Tamariki Safety Programme for children aged 5 – 14 years old, with sessions provided in individual, sibling and group settings. An empowering and educational programme to assist children work through the impacts of being a witness or survivor of domestic violence.

Safety Programme for women which provides support, education and wellbeing to help women make wise choices and increase the safety for themselves and their children.

Behaviour Change Programmes for women who are aware that the way they express their anger and use violence and abuse against others is harmful.

Behaviour Change Programmes for men that provide them with a structural understanding of men’s violence, identifying the range of unaccepted violent behaviours and which teaches non-violent alternatives.